
Monday, May 4, 2015


You have been told about god, who is a white old man, you have been told to fear him for you are sinners.  Now you live your everyday life as sinners, you pray each day “Oh father, We are not worthy to even call your name, forgive us, sinners, we don’t deserve this life, but we are here in your mercy because you sent your ‘white’ son to die for us – so we can enter your kingdom” – this is when I open my eyes, leave the room and later ask not to be included in the ‘we’ part for I know my worthiness.

You live in lack because your father is so far removed from earth; even his son as well is living in the mansion in heaven, after his death.  You doubt if you will ever get the reward to see him when you die, because of your unworthiness. You are so black, your soul does not comprehend why you are praying to an external god – when the soul IS god, the source, the creator. - your emotions are unsettling because of your blackness, it will be such a privilege to enter your white father’s mansion upon death, while alive you don’t even enter your white neighbour’s house here on earth. You only enter it in your inferiority, to serve not share.  #WAKEUP!

#WAKEUP! -A friend or a stranger asks how you are doing; the first thing you mention is negativity - the ailments, the headaches, and the unruliness of the youth -.  Listen to yourself; you are in deep slumber -#WAKEUP! didn’t the only book you own, the black book tell you to count your blessings every day. But you’ll rather not, better to portray a picture of suffering, how can you be happy when others are starving. That is selfish, it is not blackness.

#WAKEUP! - You complain because you have given your power away to your father in heaven, you do not own it anymore, how are you reading the black book that you love so much – doesn’t it say “yea are gods”, have you ever questioned the meaning of that, that you are created in your creator’s image, you have all the power …within you – no, you return the power to the owner of the power, because you are undeserving, helpless sinners.  You follow the anointed and chosen men who interpret the black book for you from their own perspective.

#WAKEUP! - You are sick because you have given your power to the doctors, once they tell you ‘you are sick’ you believe them, they prescribe medicine for you to take every day for the rest of your life – you do not question them – they now own you, you own nothing of yourself because you are unworthy –hospitals are full of black people – you cannot wait to tell the first person you bump into about your ailment, you forget to tell them about the lovely blessing of breathing, of being able to walk, of seeing, of touching, of experiencing the new day, of mother earth supporting, feeding, grounding you each day.

You become so afraid, you build your own hell, you burn with guilt, you then go back to church, god has condemned you, you promise him, to be obedient and wear the church uniform so that you do not burn in hell when you die, it still does not resonate – something does not gel. It does not feel right and you know it in your heart.  #WAKEUP!  stop bribing your made up father. BE your own father; take ownership of your life, question, question, question.  In the beginning, it might be scary to do something different from your fellow blacks, then you begin to feel the presence of pure energy that does not judge nor condemn you – it reminds you that you are beautiful and you are worthy. You spend more time in SOLITUDE, and you know you are special. It is time to #WAKEUP! - to start appreciating the colour of your skin and it ripples to others, now this is what I call BLACK CONSCIOUSNESS.



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