
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How I know that I am who I say I am

My life is not perfect, well, according to the world. Sometime in my life I hit rock bottom, I lost a job, money and some of my material posessions. I became scared of myself when I was alone, I noticed that I couldn't face the person I had turned out to be. I realised that I didn't really know me. I started pushing myself into doing things that scared me like sitting still, alone without any escape. As hard and scary as it was, those moments compelled me to question myself the biggest question - who am I? I began to enjoy the aloneness, I wanted to do more so I started running in the mornings or afternoons to see if the person I really am would come to the fore, then I ran races, once anything became comfortable I changed the partten, or let go of it all together, I gained courage to turn down invitations that did not agree with me, it became my lifestyle to just do what feels right to me - some friends thought I was being selfish, naive, aloof - I took it as a complement, to me it meant I had achieved something. I found peace that I did not understand, the peace I talk about is within me - my world around me is still not perfect, things are not how I had envisaged but the peace is the happiness that most of us strive for, and I know for a fact that it is what I had been yearning for, it is so hard to describe it especially to the people who are close to me who know my world - others understand exactly what I talk of while some still think I need this and that, the truth is they are right I do want not need this and that but the happiness I have is what others try to find in their material possessions - . I'm in total bliss, ecstacy - I understand and I want it for you because I know that once you have it, just like me you will want to make love to the world - honestly. - I am who I say I am

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